Wouter Deruytter - Pictures, Art, Photography

Wouter Deruytter

Background Information about Wouter Deruytter


In Wouter Deruytter’s work, attractive giants tower over the streets of New York. Clad in tight underwear and skinny jeans in the latest styles, their toned bodies are on display. These oversized models dominate the image of New York city, watching over the countless passersby at their feet. At first glance, they appear intimidating. But Deruytter makes one thing clear in his work: New Yorkers are not oppressed by the size of these giant ads. Instead, the people simply go about their own business. They present an intersection between the fashion world and reality, and the Belgian photo artist captures them with great finesse. There is always a special relationship between the models and the foot traffic with a certain dynamic and tension to it. Throughout this, Deruytter shows his extraordinary talent for capturing the perfect moment.

Shot in classic black-and-white, Deruytter’s work inhabits a space somewhere between staged and candid. They are direct, barefaced depictions of New York streets, but at the same time , the feel theatrical and arranged with the models in lascivious poses standing over the events below. Deruytter creates portraits of portraits that are simultaneously documentarian. He fascinates us with the multi-faceted nature of his work.

Wouter Deruytter was born in Belgium and came to New York to pursue photography. He was fascinated with the unique city and the enormous people found in the ads on every corner: city’s beautiful and silent residents. He still lives and works in The Big Apple.


1967 Born in Belgium
Lives and works in New York