David Fleetham - Pictures, Art, Photography

David Fleetham

Background Information about David Fleetham


Majestic giants glide effortlessly through the endless expanse of the deep blue sea. Whales and dolphins have fascinated man since the beginning of time. They are the inspiration for countless legends and stories and, in one form or another, can be found in seas across the world. And yet, through hunting and other human endeavours, they are increasingly threatened in their natural environments.

These impressive shots were taken by renowned underwater photographer David Fleetham. The Canadian has been exploring the world’s oceans since the mid-1970s, capturing breath-taking images that have been published in National Geographic and countless other magazines. He is particularly famous for his shark pictures, one of which graced the cover of LIFE.

The images Fleetham presents here, marine life such as the enormous blue whale or the snow white Belugas, are no less striking. The cold waters glisten in monochrome blue, single rays of sunlight penetrate the depths. The photographer portrays these animals dramatically, yet also serenely, and allows us to feel part of this remarkable spectacle of nature.


1958Born in Vancouver, Canada
2003Cofounder of the Ocean Artists Society
Lives and works in Maui, Hawaii, USA


2010National Wildlife Federation Photography Contest Grand Prize, Virginia, USA
2000Winner of the Kodak Oceanz Contest, New Zealand


2015Wild meets Spirit, Live Trinco Festival, Sri Lanka