Andreas Chudowski - Pictures, Art, Photography

Andreas Chudowski

Background Information about Andreas Chudowski


On the Baltic coast of Germany lies the Nienhäger Wood – known as the “Ghost Wood” in the local parlance. This location provided the setting for Andreas Chudowski’s “Man by the Sea”. The photographer has captured a memorable scene characterized by melanchnoly beauty. A link to Caspar David Friedrich’s “The Monk by the Sea” may seem apparent, but is merely coincedence. Perhaps it is because the observation of nature, as understood by Romantic-era painters, addresses a universal, human need. We see a reflection of our soul as we gaze out over the landscape; internal and external feelings collapse into one another.

A lonely man stands on the coast, pensively looking out at the sea. Only upon a second glance do we understand this seemingly timeless image is actually a commentary on the present. The picture was created in 2009 in response to the global economic crisis. Chudowski illustrates the emotional power of nature and uses it, with some irony, to reflect on the present.

Daniela Kummle


Berlin-based photographer Andreas Chudowski specializes in portraits. He has photographed countless celebrities from the fields of economics, politics, and the media – including Wolfgang Joop, Volker Schlöndorff, Guido Westerwelle, Wladimir Kaminer, James Blake, and Chuck Palahniuk.