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20.5 x 24.2
33.3 x 39.4
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Cut-Out Wall sculpture
Bahar Artan Oskay's cut-outs produce a powerful relationship between depth and texture. The artist detaches sections of her works and superimposes them to create a stunning three-dimensional effect.
Advanced cut-out technology allows her to create art that extends beyond the frame, challenging our understanding of form.


Cut-Out Wall sculpture
Bahar Artan Oskay's cut-outs produce a powerful relationship between depth and texture. The artist detaches sections of her works and superimposes them to create a stunning three-dimensional effect.
Advanced cut-out technology allows her to create art that extends beyond the frame, challenging our understanding of form.

2019 / 2021 / BOS03 Created in 2019 / Published in 2021 / No. BOS03 BOS03
Plus tax and $ 29.90 in shipping.