Min Min Zaw - Pictures, Art, Photography

Min Min Zaw

Background Information about Min Min Zaw


The Mynamar-based artist Min Min Zaw portrays a stunning scene of natural, unspoiled charm. Father and son fish at dawn on a picturesque river which appears to be fed by a massive mountain looming in the background. The scene is contrasted by a towering tree breaking through the morning haze. Shot in black-and-white, the picture appears silhouette-like. Then, suddenly, the figures and intricate fish net framing make a slight turn, almost like a of a theatrical lightshow is being performed before our very eyes on the morning riverbank. The reflections cast across the water’s glassy surface lend a unique aura of the untouchable to the image, as if heaven and earth are one. The picture won the 2021 Sony World Photography Awards.

Min Min Zaw was born and raised in Myanmar, where he practiced the art of photography for many years. For his works, the artist draws inspiration from the beauty and diversity of his homeland. He uses modern cities as motifs as well as the ancient temples that attract many international tourists such as the former royal city of Bagan. However, the photographer's greatest interest is the grace of the Burmese landscapes and their interaction with the seasons. The mountain ranges, the tropical forests, and the picturesque river valleys captivate him the most - particularly when covered by a veil of mist on a winter's morning or when bathed by the warm light of the rising sun. He continuously searches for new perspectives and sources of inspiration on his long tours through nature. In addition, Min Min Zaw also devotes himself to the culture of his homeland, which he artfully stages in his works, as well as current changes in the country.  


Living and working in Myanmar